How To Choose Herbs for a Windowsill Garden

While many of us dream of having our own outdoor gardens, not everyone has the time, space, or resources to make it happen. A windowsill garden is a much smaller commitment that you can use to boost your culinary skills or start connecting with your inner green witch. Check out these tips for choosing herbs for a windowsill garden.

Why an Herb Garden?

From a botanical perspective, an herb is any type of green, leafy plant, as opposed to a tree or a shrub. Technically, many of the plants society deems weeds are still herbs, just like the basil on your Margherita pizza.
When people talk about herbs, they’re usually referring to helpful green plants that people use to cook. They may also be useful in natural medicine and representing the earth element in spiritual practices.

Choosing Pet Friendly Plants

One consideration to make when you’re selecting herbs is whether or not you have any pets living in your home. A good way to remember four pet-friendly herbs is to think of the Simon & Garfunkel song “Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme,” since those are safe for both cats and dogs. Some of the plants to avoid are oregano, bay leaf, garlic, lemongrass, and chives.


Herbs by Culinary Tradition

If you plan on cooking with your herbs, you might want to choose plants based on what types of cuisine you normally prepare. Check out this list of popular regional cuisines and the herbs they use frequently:

  • Mediterranean: basil, coriander, dill, oregano, rosemary
  • Indian: cilantro, coriander, bay leaves, fennel
  • Mexican: garlic, cilantro, oregano, epazote
  • Chinese: green onions, Thai basil, lemongrass, bay leaf

Tips for Growing Potted Herbs

Once you’re done choosing herbs for your windowsill garden, it’s time to prepare the pots or planter that you intend to use. We recommend acquiring a house plant food to mix into the soil so that your plants get the same nutrients they would out in the wild.

It’s also a good idea to use pots or planters that come with a drainage tray. Fill the tray with small garden stones and then place the pot or planter on top of the rocks. Doing so will ensure that your plants get proper drainage like they would if planted in the ground. And that’s it!


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